Job Postings

Substitute Teachers and Substitute Aides - Apply here through Willsub
Background Check Process for Willsub Applicants
Please reach out to the Administrative Assistant (989)732-1773 ext 2102 for LiveScan forms to be fingerprinted. Once LiveScan is completed, you can choose between the two locations listed below to be fingerprinted. Once you have been fingerprinted and the sheriff’s office fills out section 3, please return the completed LiveScan to the Administrative Office. Once prints are received by the district and nothing is present on results to prevent you from working, the district will approve your affidavit in Willsub.
Montmorency County Sheriff's Office – 11045 M-32, Atlanta MI 49709
$60 charge
Call 989-785-4238 Ext 331 to make appointment
Otsego County Sheriff’s Office – 124 S. Court Ave, Gaylord MI 49735
$58.25 charge
No appointment necessary